Inspector General

WSMR IG Logo Mission:

The Office of the Inspector General, White Sands Missile Range serves as the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the Commander, and determines the state of discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training, and readiness throughout the command, and provides assistance, on an area basis, to Commanders, Soldiers, Family Members, Civilian Employees, Retirees, and others who seek help with problems related to the U. S. Army.

The Inspector General operates within the directives of the Commanding General in accordance with Army Regulation 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures. The IG provides four functions of Assistance, Inspections, Investigations, and most importantly Teach and Train the command on a wide range of issues while maintaining the confidentiality of all concerned.


Staff Title Telephone # DSN
Inspector General 575-678-6499 258-6499
FAX 575-678-1707 258-1707

Location: Building 124 Room 307